Sunday, December 13, 2009

Things I know....

Jesus loves me this I know, because the bible tells me so.
Swiss cheese goes best with mushrooms in an omelet.
The original Monopoly game is much better than the Star wars version.
Flies live a short and crappy life.
Everybody loves music from the 80’s.
Magic is real. Don’t argue with me… it is!
Sea salt tastes great on chocolate covered caramels.
History repeats itself. I know this because shortly after the third grade, valley girls became extinct and yet I am sitting in Vivace cafĂ© in NW Portland, trying to write but… there is a table of young twenty-something’s who in the last five minutes have said the word “Like” sixty seven times!
I can’t focus on writing when people are saying “Like” sixty seven times in five minutes.
Ugh… they just said totally… twice!


The Monkey Bugs December 14, 2009 at 1:51 PM  

Like, I totally agree. That is like soooo lame! Bummer about not being able to write. That like sucks and stuff.


Here is a random sentence, meaning absolutely nothing.

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