Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years resolutions and the end of the world

2009 is officially over and to be honest, it's about damn time. In my book, 2009 will forever be the year when the economy collapsed, CBS canceled Doll House and Oprah decided to take over the world.
Sure I met the woman of my dreams, advanced my writing career greatly and had two great vacations BUT... other than those things, 2009 blew.
Enough about the past, lets welcome 2010 with some resolutions.
Firstly, this year I will finish writing two more books.
Secondly, I will be a finalist in the Writers of the Future contest.
Thirdly, I will do really well in school and get my teaching credential.
Fourthly, I will finally master the ability to stop time.
Fifthly, I will get to the gym at least five days per week.
Sixthly, Harlan Ellison will become my homeboy.
Seventhly, I will solve a crime and kill a bad guy with a boomerang.
Eighthly, I will become famous enough to have a midget in my entourage.
Ninthly, I will invent something really cool.
Tenthly, I will be utterly and completely happy all year.

I know what your thinking, ten resolutions is a lot but the way I see it, I only have two years until the end of the world (Google Mayan calender) so I may as well try to do a whole grip of cool stuff... right?


Luisa Perkins January 21, 2010 at 11:56 AM  

Ryan, you are so funny.

I'm the prodigal returning to the Rough Writers blog. Won't you come back, too?


Here is a random sentence, meaning absolutely nothing.

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