Monday, September 14, 2009

Big fat epic quiet house

I finally got internet in the new place, and what a place it is. Five bedrooms atop Mt. Scott complete with a jacuzzi, pool table, game room and lots of echos. I never would have guessed that not having people around to make background noise would be so hard to endure. Seriously, its driving me mad! I have been in the jacuzzi three times in the last five hours and played solitary nine ball as many times. Ive tried to sit here and write but the silence is crushing my creativity.
I wonder if I can download recordings of annoying roommates to play while I write? Anyone want to donate recordings of their families being obnoxious?
The worst thing is that I don't get cell service up here (time to switch to Verizon) so I don't even know if people are trying desperately to invite me out to do something cool.
Oh well, perhaps the solitude will torture and twist my soul until I start hammering away at these keys and churning out works of literary brilliance.


Luisa Perkins September 15, 2009 at 7:02 AM  

I somehow missed that you had moved! We should do an exchange program; there's no shortage of noise 'round here.


Here is a random sentence, meaning absolutely nothing.

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