Monday, September 14, 2009

Pictures of silence

The perfect little writing space... if only it wasn't so darn quiet. I do like it though, when I get used to being able to write sans sonic distraction, this will be my sanctuary. And as you will see below, it is only two steps (I counted) from my bed and eight from the fish tank.
I plan to log a lot of miles at this little desk in the next few months. National write a novel month is coming up and if I am done editing my current novel, will participate fully. In case you didn't notice, I am totally rambling on and on in an effort to fill the empty space to the right of this picture with text so that it will look cool. OK that ought to just about do it. Time for the next picture.
Darn, I wanted that picture to go below the other one, Ill blame it on the silence and try to get on with the night. Jacuzzi is sounding capitol right about now...


Luisa Perkins September 15, 2009 at 7:00 AM  

I write so much better with no noise, but I've had to adapt. Your space looks nice!


Here is a random sentence, meaning absolutely nothing.

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