Thursday, August 20, 2009

Deep thoughts on a sleepless night

I have to be up for work in four and a half hours, and I am still awake, thinking about the day job. You know what kills me about it? It's the commute. It takes me 15 minutes to get to work and 9 hours to get home. I think it should take me 30 seconds to get to work and I should never leave home.
I hope this novel sells soon.
I must have hypergraphia because I want to write all the time.
I know its cliche but I really want to live and write in a little cabin up in the woods somewhere.
I like the day job, don't get me wrong. It's just not what I am "supposed" to be doing.
Why does the caged bird sing? A duck is a bird. If you put a duck in a cage, will it sing?


Brillig August 25, 2009 at 4:44 PM  

HAHA. this totally cracked me up. As a fellow novelist who, unfortunately, spends my days on other crap, I feel your pain to an extent.

Get that duck in a cage on YouTube. Seriously.

I'm here via Luisa/Novembrance, by the way. :-D

Luisa Perkins September 6, 2009 at 5:10 PM  

I hear you, man. Hang in there.


Here is a random sentence, meaning absolutely nothing.

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